Natal Astrology is based on the birth details – exact date, time & location of a Person. This horoscope analysis is done on the basis of knowledge passed down to us by Maharishi Parashar, Bhrigu & many other sages. We use the rules & apply it in today’s context. For some of the queries we also add divination tool for better precision & guidance.
Natal Astrology
₹ 7,300.00
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- Comprehensive Natal Astrology or Birth Chart Report as Per Indian Astrology/Vedic Astrology.
- Complete astrology chart with all details + you can ask any ‘3’ questions related to any aspect of your life, which will be answered using ancient Indian System of Astrology.
- Know in detail your planetary positions in your horoscope & know which planetary periods/dashas in life will be the best.
- Know the reasons for your obstacles & Remedies to overcome the obstacles in all spheres of life (Simple remedies, Gem Stones, Havan, Spiritual Remedies for Karmic afflictions)
- Know your current period (known as Maha dasha) & upcoming periods (Dasha & Antar-dasha) from astrological perspective – Both Dasha Analysis & Transit Analysis.
- Any personal question/s answered in detail about any aspect of your life
- Personal Touch – Connect with us on SKYPE for 15 Minutes discussion on your Horoscope.
- Get a precious gift from US with your Natal Chart order – Energized Rudraksha Rosary as lifelong Protection.
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I had few readings in the past, but what l liked here was his non-biased approach towards all planets.. particularly Saturn. Skype call was very good, lot of things were told how to handle planetary energies & few remedies as well. Appreciate the gift of Rudraksha Rosary from Kamakhya.
Maria –
Even though many things were answered through mail regarding my horoscope, Skype call was quiet informative for me.